Sunday, November 29, 2009

Another Version of Fight Song

Hi, Gerald and other Fellow Tigers

Maybe we'll get that song all put together!
I keep remembering fragments--it seems one part was

Beer, beer, for old Temple High
Bring on the whiskey, bring on the rye
Don't let a sober creature in

While our loyal sons are marching
Down to the bar for more

Isn't this fun?

Billie Frances (Brown) Campbell

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Karan Rae Johnson Lewis, 1938-2009

Karan Rae Johnson Lewis, Temple High Class of 1956, died early Friday morning, November 27, at her home near Hastings. A memorial service will be scheduled early next week at the Methodist Church in Temple. Karan is survived by her husband Tab and sons Kyle and Break Lewis. Karen was 71.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Another Version --Fight Song Lyrics

Frances Brown Campbell sent this comment a couple of weeks ago:
"We never stagger
We never fall
While our Loyal Tigers
Are marching on to victory!"
Victory after victory!
Great going, Tigers.

(wish I could remember the rest of the words which we sang back in the '40s)
Billie -- Frances Brown Campbell (Temple Class of 1944)

We never stagger,
We never fall,
We sober up on Club 7
Home made alcohol.

--Gerald Jerry Bowles (Temple Class of 1952)

Here is what I remember:

We never stagger
We never fall
We sober up on wood alcohol
Send some freshman out for gin
Don’t let a sober teacher in

--Harold Powell (Class of 1952)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Never Stagger....

The song goes something like this.

We never stagger,
We never fall,
We sober up on Club 7
Home made alcohol.

Enjoy the updates on the football team.
The names of some of the players that make
great plays and some stats would be interesting.


Gerald Jerry Bowles

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cotton County Farm Boys

“Beef” magazine reported that the value of all cattle sold in Cotton County Oklahoma in 2007 was $46,411,000 on 338 farms.

For the information of all those former Cotton County farm boys who have wondered if they should have stayed on the farm: I returned to the farm and once figured that I annually raised wheat and beef sufficient to feed 4000 people for a year. I would be pleased to have $10 from each person fed. Over 30 years I never made that much. Did receive lots of exercise, fresh air, sunshine, wide open spaces and pleasant association with good people.

Harold Powell

Monday, November 16, 2009

From the Class of '52

Called Raymond Elis (Toddy) Nail last week. He is a 1952 classmate. Says he probably will not attend the Temple Alumni Reunion 28 November. Too much going on at home.

Seems Raymond has lived an interesting and productive life since Temple High. Served four years in the Marines. Retired a Los Angeles policeman. After LA he lived in Provo, Utah for ten years where he raised and trained Arabian horses before the move to Texas. He’s been married to the same woman for fifty years. He is active in a singing group that entertains all around. He sang, played guitar and entertained publicly for ten years. He keeps busy now.

I asked if George Neaderhiser getting us (Toddy, Joe Knox, Vonden Richardson and me) to sing as a quartet at Temple Hi influenced his later musical activities. He said maybe so.

I asked him if his being an Oklahoma State Champion high jumper influenced his life. He replied maybe so.

I suggested he write the interesting story of his life. He said he never considered writing. He, like the rest of us, should write our story. We each have a unique history.

Harold Powell

Sunday, November 15, 2009

More thanks for Temple football notes

Thanks for doing this. It's been great keeping up with our Tigers! Thanks again! ;)
-Teresa Nunn

Thanks for the game coverage

Another thank you from t_emken:
I would like to say thank you for the scores of the game Though i don't live in Temple, I try to keep up with things.

We Never Stagger

Frances Brown Campbell sent this comment a couple of weeks ago:
"We never stagger
We never fall
While our Loyal Tigers
Are marching on to victory!"

Victory after victory!
Great going, Tigers.

(wish I could remember the rest of the words which we sang back in the '40s)
Thanks Billie
-- Frances Brown Campbell

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Waynoka 48, Temple 14

Friday 13th was a bad night for the Temple Tigers.
Temple played Waynoka at Temple in a First round playoff game.

End of 1st quarter Temple 8 - Waynoka 14.
End of 2nd quarter Temple 14 - Waynoka 28.
End of 3rd quarter Temple 14 - Waynoka 34.
End 0f 4th quarter Temple 14 - Waynoka 48.

Temple ended the season 9 and 2. Last year Temple ended the regular season 6 and 4 with 3 of the loses by the 45 point rule and ended the season with a loss in the semi-final playoff game. Strange year.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Temple 42, Corn Bible 0

Temple played conference foe Corn Bible Friday, Nov. 6, at Temple.

End of 1st quarter Temple 6 - Corn bible 0.
End of 2nd quarter Temple 12 - Corn bible 0.
End of 3rd quarter Temple 36 - Corn Bible 0.
End of 4th quarter Temple 42 - Corn Bible 0.

The regular season is over and Temple went undefeated in District C-2. The State playoffs start next week and Temple will play either Forgan or Waynoka of Distract C-1 in Temple.
